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Our work

Income Generation


Our Income Generation work provides opportunities for struggling families to earn a reliable income. 


One Sky operates a broom-making business, providing safe employment for vulnerable families.

Why income generation?

For many families we work with, poverty is at the root of their difficulties. Our Income Generation work provides opportunities for struggling families to earn a reliable income, keeping them safe from poverty, destitution and workplace exploitation. With a stable income, it becomes easier for families to stay together and for children to attend school.

Brooms by One Sky

One Sky operates a broom-making business in partnership with a local family. We have contributed resources and contacts to help this family develop their business. In return, they have provided fair employment to an increasing number of at-risk and in-need families.


In 2015, 20 (mostly single parent) families worked for the business, earning a salary 30% higher than other local broom-makers. Within these families, all school-age children are in education and many are beneficiaries of our Education Support work.

Future strategy

Once brooms are produced, we help this local broom-making business find buyers for their products. The majority of the brooms are sold wholesale. However, where possible, we also try to sell brooms at fundraising events in Thailand and in the UK. Our Bangkok partners include Harrow and Shrewsbury international schools. Our partners in the UK are The Missing Sock and Children At Risk in Asia (CARA).

Future Strategy

Our Income Generation work is still relatively new. Genuine social enterprise is a complex venture and in many ways we are still learning. We are excited about this new area of our work and are keen to develop new income generation projects.

You can help!


You can support our Income Generation work by buying our brooms or helping to promote broom sales, either in Thailand or in the UK. Please get in touch to find out more.

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